Maryland’s Recovery & Reinvestment website was an online tracking tool published by the StateStat Office to monitor and share information on federal stimulus funding. It was recognized by numerous authorities as among the best in the nation. They included: #1 Website in Nation for Recovery Act Reporting Good Jobs First, January 2010 Maryland topped all […]
Maryland Governor Website
From 2010 – August, 2013, this was Maryland’s Governor website introduced and implemented blogging capabilities, live streaming video, interactive graphs, photo galleries, RSS feed, online forms and social media integration. HTML/CSS/WordPress hybrid. Based on the 2011 statewide template I developed with the Department of Information Technology. In 2013, the site was revamped to deliver […]
Original Station North Website
Back before the Station North Arts & Entertainment District in Baltimore had a budget or staff, it fell to the Executive Board (and yours truly) to create the community organization’s first website. Although published in 2003, the site had multimedia menus, interactive maps of street art, and photo galleries.