The Maryland Office of Governor Website was redesigned in 2013 with a mobile-first approach which incorporated responsive design. It included all the functionality of the the Governor’s former site. The website continued to be composed of an html/css and WordPress hybrid.
Recovery & Reinvestment Website
Maryland’s Recovery & Reinvestment website was an online tracking tool published by the StateStat Office to monitor and share information on federal stimulus funding. It was recognized by numerous authorities as among the best in the nation. They included: #1 Website in Nation for Recovery Act Reporting Good Jobs First, January 2010 Maryland topped all […]
Skills to Compete Branding and Website
The Skills to Compete branding was used to coordinate and bundle Maryland workforce education initiatives. The resulting website was based on the 2011 statewide template I was instrumental in developing.
Economic Growth Strategy
Baltimore City’s Economic Growth Strategy was published in July, 2002 with input from the Baltimore Development Corporation, Department of Planning, and an advisory committee. It numbered 48 pages, with custom maps and mostly self-shot photographs.
Crime Plan and Executive Summary
Effectively Reducing Crime in Baltimore was: A five dimensional plan to eradicate the narcotics trade and improve the comfort and security of Baltimore’s neighborhoods.
Osprey Logo Design
I created this logo, and glad to see that it is still in use. From Maryland’s Emergency Management Agency: OSPREY (Operational and Situational Preparedness for Responding to an EmergencY) is Maryland’s answer to the questions both public safety decision-makers and the public ask in times of severe weather or other emergencies – “What’s happing around […]