Numerous Baltimore City Department of Planning publications were prepared and released. These invaluable resources included a Development Guidebook, as well as yearly Capital Improvement Programs, and Community Association Directories.
Maryland Postcard
Fun facts about our state on the reverse. Printed and distributed to schoolchildren visiting their state capital.
Coordinating Offices Literature
The Governor’s Coordinating Offices include a half-dozen units, working closely. These were printed palmcards for government colleagues at municipal and county conferences.
Commemorative Pin Designs
These commemorative lapel pins were just one example of the the gratitude Baltimore extended for the service and sacrifices of public safety personnel. One thing I don’t miss about being an “essential” employee is the need to respond to emergencies, both natural and man-made. In my case, I only had to create visual references, maps […]
Gun Posters
Code Red Heat Advisories
This two-sided door-hanger has a special place in my heart. It features a cameo from Heat Miser (from Rankin/Bass’ 1974 children’s television special The Year Without a Santa Claus). This City-issued health notice had express permission from Warner Brothers to use the character’s likeness for this project, which was printed and circulated to residents during […]