Baltimore City’s emblem is one of the most proliferated logos I had the honor of creating for my native city. It has been applied to countless materials, including signs, banners, printed materials, video and online media. It still survives on many of the city’s fleet vehicles today. The Baltimore City corporate identity has seen widespread […]
Station North Arts District Signs
Baltimore’s Station North Arts and Entertainment Neighborhood can be found north of Pennsylvania Station, and south of North Avenue. Soon after its official designation as one of Maryland’s first Arts and Entertainment Districts, our volunteer board raised enough money to produce and install 18 signs throughout the district. I had designed the logo earlier, and […]
Economic Growth Strategy
Baltimore City’s Economic Growth Strategy was published in July, 2002 with input from the Baltimore Development Corporation, Department of Planning, and an advisory committee. It numbered 48 pages, with custom maps and mostly self-shot photographs.
Crime Plan and Executive Summary
Effectively Reducing Crime in Baltimore was: A five dimensional plan to eradicate the narcotics trade and improve the comfort and security of Baltimore’s neighborhoods. Wins Best in Class 2013 Interactive Media Award
The Best in Class award is the highest honor bestowed by the IMA. It represents the very best in planning, execution and overall professionalism. Maryland’s site earned 482 out of 500 points to distinguish itself among the 137 government sites nominated. Five other states earned this prestigious award. More from Interactive Media Awards website Additional coverage: The Motley Fool […]
The New Receives International Award for Excellence in Creativity and Innovation
Through a mobile-first design, the new site uses responsive design techniques which automatically scales content to the device being used and allows citizens to engage with government anywhere and anytime. The international VEMA Awards competition is judged by an invitation-only standards council of highly skilled professionals with expertise, leadership, and vision in various multimedia art […]